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Modellfotografering utført av Orkestra i Oslo

Our blackbox/studio is used for preprod, video productions, e-com and advertising.


Technical specifications
  • The room: 10x20 metres
  • Stage width: 8x8 meters (6m from PA)
  • Ceiling height: 4 metres
  • Power: 3-phase (separate electrical cabinet available)
  • Driveway: 3.8x4 metres

The venue has a lounge area with a coffee machine and water dispenser. Simple kitchen options with microwave and fridge are in the house.

Bruk av scenerøyk

Ved bruk av røyk, må dette avtales på forhånd, slik at vi får skrudd av brannalarmen og evt stilt med brannvakt.

Det vil komme et ekstra gebyr på 2000,- eks MVA om det skal brukes røyk i helgedager.

Photo studio

Our photo studio has been used for both large and small photoshoots. With a large ceiling height (4m) and a 3.5m or 2.72m wide backdrop, there is room for a lot.

SETUP (included in the price):

  • iMac
  • 2x Profoto D1 with associated tripod
  • 1x Profoto transmitter (Nikon, Canon, Fujifilm, Hasselblad)
  • 1x Profoto Rfi 3x4'
  • 1x Profoto Rfi 1x6'

If there is equipment beyond this, please contact us for information and price.

If smoke is used, this must be agreed in advance, so that we can switch off the fire alarm and possibly deploy a fire watch.

Studio / Preprod

The room, with a size of 10x20 meters, has a stage width of 8 meters and a depth of 8 meters (6 meters from the PA area). With easy load-in and access via the drive gate at entrance A4, practical logistics solutions for events are offered. Free parking.


  • some XLR cabling
  • some power cables with shuko
  • Various microphones

LIGHT (in briefs):

  • 6 pcs Cameo TS 40 front
  • 6 pcs Cameo Flatpar pro 12
  • Cameo Qspot 40

If smoke is used, this must be agreed in advance, so that we can switch off the fire alarm and possibly deploy a fire watch.


Entrance A4

With car:


  • Bus 400 Åsenhagen/Eltonåsen/Gardermoen get off at Åsenhagen (directly from Oslo bus terminal)
  • Bus 360 Vardefjellet/Vardeåsen get off at Industriveien (directly from Lillestrøm bus terminal)
  • Taxi: Lower Romerike Taxi - tel: 09080

Who is it suitable for?

If you are a musician and need a practice room, or make a prep for a concert. Do you have a brand and need a place to do your photo shoot or video production. Or do you want a venue, to hold a small event or similar.

Most things can be done and carried out. Get in touch if there is anything you are wondering about and whether it is possible to implement it here with us.

Opening hours

With your own key box at entrance A4, you can come and go as you please during the entire booking period. The office is staffed from 09.00-17.00 every weekday.

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